Saturday, May 23, 2015

The Artists Who Explains Known Physics

With that I found an artist that explains Quantum Wave better than most teachers.

Credit youtube user nickharvey7
He is a prolific producer of physics video that are based in QM and E/M.
His theory is not The Standard Vibration Model. He does a very good job of explaining aspects of Standard Vibrations and Quantum Mechanics.

But remember Imagination Fakes Knowledge.

Progressive Physics.

  1. Under no circumstances can Physics be described as a simile  or  a metaphor.
  2. End of statement.

So we are finally discussing asymerty.

The Left Hand of Darkness

I am havin a seizure so I posted this as a cleanup of this weeks ideas and news.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

A foundation of magnetism

As it has been pointed out so well there is a foundational idea in induction magnetism. Grand Illusions at Youtube and 

Grand Illusions

This Is the nicest man in magnets!!!

Grand Illusions

By the way Tim calls this an inverted magnet. Others who have contacted me ha also pointed out the relationship of this type of inverted magnet and the motion of the moon.

I called like a lawn dart flying towards Earth.

But the Inverted magnet shows the minima and maxima distances of the magnetic field. And using "Practical astronomy with your computer", this will give all the other positions.