Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Long wave through a tiny hole

This is from Bill Beaty's antenna problem

Here's a second answer to the original question. To allow EM waves to pass through the tiny hole in the infinite conductive plate, just place some molecules in the hole, but choose molecules which are resonant at the frequency of the EM waves. Suppose the EM waves are microwaves, and their frequency is at the ammonia resonance (think "ammonia maser"). If we place some ammonia molecules in that tiny hole, the molecules will strongly absorb the incoming radiation, then they will re-radiate it. Part will be scattered backwards, but part will move forwards through the hole. The presence of those ammonia molecules has allowed the EM radiation to pass through the hole.

The presence of the molecule can make a big difference. Suppose we make our hole somewhat larger than a single ammonia molecule. Without that molecule present, the amount of EM wave energy which passes through such a tiny hole will be vanishingly small. However, with the molecule placed into the hole, relatively enormous amounts of EM power suddenly can get through.

My elaboration on Bill Beaty's tiny hole thought experiment.

Now I would like to explain this a little more. Since the hole has an ammonia molecule in the hole, this is what I think happens. The microwave hits the electron of the ammonia molecule. The electron reads all the information of the EM wave. The electron processes the information and converts it to z boson. The z boson transmits the information to the gluon of the molecule. The gluon converts it to the attached quarks.

Next the gluon retrieves the information from the quark, here the molecule processes the heat, and pressure. This information alters the quark. The quark sends the information about the new state of the molecule with the changes in temperature and shape to the gluon. The gluon converts the information to a z boson and sends it to an electron. The electron converts the z boson to a photon wave and transmits the information through the hole.

I really think this is what is happening.
