Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gravity Anomaly Map of the Moon

This comes from The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency JAXA

Congratulations on such an excellent density map of Mascons on the Moon.

Gravity Anomaly detected by using 4-way Doppler observation data from the RSTAR (OKINA) (RSAT)-New finding in study on the Origin of Dichotomy for the Moon-
April 16, 2008 (JST)
Kyushu University
National Astronomical Observatory of Japan
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

JAXA announced a new finding of a gravity anomaly for both the near side and far side of the Moon by using 4-way Doppler observation data from the RSTAR (OKINA) with the main orbiter, the KAGUYA.
1)Gravity Anomaly Map by the KAGUYA

2)Gravity Anomaly Map in prior to the KAGUYA

3)The Apollo basin(S36,W150)

Until now, the gravity anomaly of the far side of the Moon has not been understood well. The gravity anomaly, which was obscure before, has been clearly revealed through observations by the Kaguya mission. For instance, the gravity anomaly of a basin on the far side is found to be characterized by a negative anomaly in a ring like the Apollo basin. On the other hand, the gravity anomaly of the basin on the near side is uniformly positive over the region such as with the Mare Serenitatis. Thus, the clear difference in gravity anomaly on the near side and the far side has been newly discovered and this fact brings a different story about the structure of the underground and the history of the evolution of the far side and near side of the Moon.

The gravity anomaly map for many regions will be developed more precisely and show the difference of gravity anomaly between the near side and the far side by adding more observation data. The latest observation data by the Kaguya will play a key role to promote the study of the origin and the evolution of the Moon. In addition, highly accurate lunar gravity distribution data will be useful for future lunar explorers.

*Gravity anomaly: The lunar gravity field is not homogenous. Any region of the Moon with a higher than expected mass density will produce a gravity anomaly.

*Dichotomy of the Moon: Between the near side and the far side, clear asymmetry is called the "Dichotomy of the Moon" as in the thickness of the lunar crust and the distribution of the lunar Maria.
Gravity Anomaly Map at the Apollo basin

Gravity Anomaly Map at the Mare Serenitatis(N26,E19)

*RSAT/VRAD mission instrument team:
Kyushu University (RSAT Principle Investigator), NAOJ (VRAD: VLBI Satellite radio source Principle Investigator), Researchers from JAXA also participate as sub-PI or Co-I in the mission instrument team.

Current lunar gravity field models include large uncertainties on the far side of the Moon. For instance, the figure in the middle shows the current gravity distribution model for the Apollo basin by LP165P. The color of the figure shows strength of the gravity field in blue, green, yellow, and red, in that order. Red indicates a positive gravity anomaly related to either a topographic high or a dense material in the subsurface. In contrast, blue shows that a negative gravity anomaly related to a topographic low or less dense material. The gravity anomaly shown in the figure on the left hand side is processed by new data taken by the KAGUYA. The gravity anomaly in the Apollo basin is now identified as concentric rings of yellow, blue, and thin red from the center to outside.
*LP165P: Lunar gravity model developed by Konopliv et al.. incorporating tracking data from the Lunar Prospector spacecraft into a historical data set.

A new gravity anomaly map developed by the KAGUYA reveals that not only the Apollo basin, but many other basins on the far side of the Moon are characterized by a large negative gravity anomaly. Such a signature of far side gravity is distinguished from that on the near side. For example, the Mare Serenitatis, the representative basin on the near side, shows a strong positive (red color) gravity anomaly at the center of the basin (figure in the middle). The newly found difference of gravity anomaly on the near side and the far side gives us clues to important questions regarding the structure of the lunar interior and the formation of the far side and near side of the Moon. The gravity anomaly map will become more precise as more observation data is obtained by the KAGUYA. The latest observation data by the Kaguya will play a key role to promote a study of the origin and the evolution of the Moon. In addition, highly accurate lunar gravity distribution data will be used for future lunar explorations.

Four-way Doppler observation scheme

A schematic figure showing the principle of the four-way Doppler measurements of the Main Orbiter (KAGUYA) by using a relay satellite (OKINA). The uplink radio wave from the Usuda Deep Space Center (UDSC) is relayed to the Main Orbiter via the relay satellite (OKINA), which is returned to the UDSC via relay satellite (OKINA) again. Then the Doppler frequency is measured at the UDSC.
Copyright 2007 Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency
Thanks to Curt Youngs for showing me this.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

To every action there is NOT an equal and opposite reaction: Part 2

Israel Sadovnik: To every action there is NOT an equal and opposite reaction.
Because in QT " The third Newton's law " must submit to
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle .

This is the only resolution to the initial problem.

The universe is not symmetrical or static.

Information is processed before reacted to. Thus the loss of conservation is in time, thus the loss of time results in a loss of energy. For Example if Max hit Curt. It would take Curt a moment to realize that he was hit, from where he was hit, and how to hit back. These are all losses of energy. Curt's reaction would not be like a spring, but a new instance of hitting, once he collected his steel balls.

The real example is if a steel ball was floating in space and was hit by the pressure wave of an exploding star. It would not instantaneously move, it would move after the density of the ball was overcome by the energy of the wave. When the density of the ball was subtracted from the energy of the wave, the ball would move. So if the energy wave traveled a great distance, the ball may not move, but reflect the energy.

Near and far fields

Curt Youngs: Yes! At longer wave lengths an antenna is required. Now, radiation around the antenna develops a near field at the transmitter and the receiver. This near field is a standing wave. Within the standing wave, the electric and magnetic fields are at 90 degrees. In the far field, these fields are parallel to each other, and parallel to the propagation, so it is said.

Aaron: The reason, in my model, the near and far fields must be perpendicular to each other is that they are different vibrations. The far field I have described as the W boson and the near field is the Z boson. They have two different functions.

The W boson carries information directly from Gluon to Gluon. This is the far field. This field can travel large distances. The information it carries is voltage, current and charge plus a counter. When the W boson is received by another pro-spin Gluon, it is read as magnetism.

When the W boson is read by an anti-spin Gluon, it is read as pressure. It too is magnetism but non-baryonic Dark Matter uses this information differently. Dark Matter reacts to magnetism as a pressure and is repulsed by it. This causes a bubble in the Dark Matter allowing for Baryonic Specific Density (what use to be known as gravity).

The Z boson is the near field electric component of the Gluon's transmission of information. The Z boson excites the electron. This can have two outcomes. First is the releasing of a photon wave. Second is to excite the electron with charge, current, and voltage causing the near field.

As an antenna, an electron can move from atom to atom to continue to read information from the same wavelength. The longer the wavelength the further the electron travels up the field while reading. The electron reads one entire spin of the wavelength, gathering all the information from the photon wave. This information is converted to a z boson and returned to a gluon for processing. The gluon reacts to the information by expressing pressure, heat, and charge.

(Addendum) 5/10/09 - The W+/- and Z Bosons are nearly perpendicular to each other. The spin of the Baryon causes variation in position of each field. This is an equilibrium point.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Electron minimum/maximum read/write

The electron has a minimum and a maximum temperature, frequency, wave length that it can read or write. If any of these exceeded then the electron cannot read or write the information.

So if there are photon wave that have frequencies that are below the electron threshold, this means that the photon wave has travel too far and it temp is to low, or it has been modified by other fields that would extend the wave length.

For maximum temperatures electrons cannot exist. For example those black holes that I described

The temperature for the black body object referred to as a black hole exceeds 15000k. This temperature is to high for atoms to fully form. When the temperature drops below 5200k electrons can release photon waves.

In conclusion a photon that has a wave length that is too long will have a temperature that is too low for the electron to read. Even the largest atoms cannot read a wave length that is larger than the atom electron path.

An antenna is a series of atoms that allow an electron to pass along the length of the antenna to read the long wave length. Some wave lengths are so long that they will pass around the solar system. These photon waves are so cold that they seem unnoticeable. But if you built an antenna large enough you would register them. They would be read.

If the temperature is too high, the electron cannot form.

Information Density and the Gluon

E = hv

Which says Energy = Planck's Constant h multiplied by the frequency of the vibration.

Now these are 19th century equations that have been purposefully discarded by einsteinians. Because they are difficult. Not a good reason.

Others density equations include (Planck)
u(v,T) = ((8(pi)hv^3)/(c^3))*(1/(e^(hv/kT)-1)

Wave length
u(λ,T) = ((8(pi)hc)/λ^5)*(1/e^(hc/λkT)-1)

u = spectra. The emitting Baryon leaves its identification on the spectra. Along the spectral line, where the temperature = 0, identifies the emitting baryon.

So here we have an exactly derived system of equations that show the vibration of energy over time through its frequency or wave length. There are other equations that show the vibration of energy over time through its charge or current. This is the basis of my model.

Now the sender and receiver of this energy is the gluon. Gluons communicate like this.
This is me,
All of this information is in the photonwave. The gluon produces the photonwave by exciting a z boson (near field) and vibrating the loaded electron. Then the electron discharges the photonwave.
I have a frequency of u(v,T)
I have a wave length of u(λ,T)
I have an intensity of u(λ,v,T)
and my identity is where the information is 0

A similar process occurs with the W boson. The gluon vibrates and discharges the w boson.
it says I am a far field W boson
(I am not as familiar with these equations)
I have a charge of
I have a inducted current of
I have voltage of

I will fill these W boson magnetism equations

Simple Counter

Both the photonwave and the W boson have counters. This is a simple mechanism that counts the number of spins since existence. So

Distance traveled = number of dark energy units or spins counted.

This counter tells the receiving atom the temperature loss in the photon wave and the pressure loss in the W boson since inception

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Gluon: The Master of Information

It is the Gluon that is the most important vibration in our universe. It communicates information to all other systems of vibrations as expressions. All information communication is essentially Gluon to Gluon communication. Each Gluon needs to communicate certain bits of information to other Gluons.

Gluons use certain vibrations to communicate different bits of information to other Gluons. The type of information determines the type of vibration used to communicate that information. The Bosons are the vibrations that transmit information. The Leptons and Quarks are expressions of the Gluon's information.

There are simple Gluon to Gluon communication through Quantumchromodynamics(QCD). The W+/- Boson communicates magnetism directly from Gluon to Gluon over a distance. The Photon communicates heat, pressure, and time to other Gluons through a more complicated system using both the Z Boson and the Electron. This system transmits information over great distances.

All Quarks store information for Gluons. The Strong Nuclear Force is the storage of Gluon information. Essentially a Quark is part of a Gluon and is the final expression of Gluon information.

All Leptons are responsible for secondary transmission of information for Gluons. The electron vibration loads information (described as Reiter Loading Theory) to be releasing the photon-wave as needed. The electron vibration now free of the photon-wave can accept a photon-wave and read the information from another Gluon.

Another important interaction the gluon is responsible for is the W boson communicates with dark matter. I postulate that the Gluon can have an anti-spin. This anti-spin Gluon causes expression of Dark Matter in a chain. The W boson provides magnetism information to the Dark Matter chain repelling it from the W boson. This is responsible for the bubble in Dark Matter causing Specific Baryonic Density (what was known as gravity).