Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Quick Abstract

This is a quick Abstract to the Details that form the Standard Vibration Model.

I am going to point some basics we all know and that you have shown in your tests. A single baryon is either a hydrogen atom, a proton, or a neutron. I have not fully modeled beyond this. I have a good design for He, but I don't feel it is not ready for integration into this model. Modeling in my mind and on paper the O and the NaOH and KOH are the next step. I have to solve problems like yours before I can move forward.
  1. Everything about baryons is in thirds. 
    1. This means every calculation must have one dimensional information.
    2. Two dimensional data storage.
    3. Three dimensional trigonometric interactions. 
  2. Every baryon is effected by received bosons.
    1. Photons
      1. Photons transmit information about baryons/elements/molecules externally.   
      2. Emitted and absorbed by electron
      3. W+/- stops all functions of the boson photon until it exits the magnetic field.
      4. Transmits vibration informational to the receiving baryon on wavelength, temp, freq, spectra, distance traveled, history of effects upon the photon.
    2. W+/-
      1. The primary purpose of the W+/- is to trap photons and direct them to the baryon's closest electron.
      2. Magnetism.
    3. Z Boson
      1. Z Boson transmits information from the electron to the baryon or from electron to electron.
      2. Electricity.
    4. Gluon
      1. This is the physical structure of the baryon.
      2. In almost all cases a baryon must have 2 of one flavor of gluon and 1 of another in spinning rotation.
      3. This rotation forms a cone.
      4. Quarks are the unused strings (err:not tori) of the gluon.
      5. A Gluon's information is managed by Neutrinos. 
    5. Neutrino
      1. Neutrinos manage and maintain baryons structure and information of the baryon
      2. There are 3 types of neutrinos
      3. Electron
        1. Connects the Z boson to the baryon.
        2. Input/Output functions of the information of the baryon
      4. Muon
        1. The purpose of the Muon is to connect each gluon's torus.
      5. Tau
        1. Allows W+/- boson to exit the baryon from the midpoint of the opposite gluon.
So, Those neutrinos are delicate and can deflagulate, rupture or stretch beyond capacity. When that occurs, we see implosion or explosion. Any exotic pressure, temperature, E/M..., can and will cause this. even solar flare will affect the magnetic fields around your test. So check

I think this basic model shows how the flame out occurs. Some of the tests will explode at 2/3 rate because of of the conic rotation of the baryon crushes them to a volume of 0. 1/3 rate melts/extends/flames the baryons volume; depending on the boson affecting the baryon. At the small distances traveled after the explosion the baryonic chunks of flame and affect other baryons. 

Does your photon radiation detector emit radiation through the test? Or are they just receiving data from the test? 

Currently everything written above is written or derived in the blog. What I am missing is the actual testing of the ideas. Data.

I hope this is a helpful description of how I plan on modeling this issue. I realize I have not answered any of your questions, I am trying to form the problem into this model.

Addendum 12/7/2014
In this model Dark Matter are gluons without information. But because they are empty data structures, they form densities. These densities can rip apart galaxies. This density is the Plank's Constant. The amount of Dark Matter pressing against here right now. That number is very small but now it is accounted for in the model.

Dark Energy is where the math of the universe gets done. Please read the simple paper on Dark Energy.

Aaron Guerami

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A nice man contacted my email.

First thanks for reading my work. My full blog is at

It is a full model.

My hx is complex. The Model started when I was young. My parents bought me and Dad a TRS 80 model 1. From there I began to ask questions about Gravity in 3d space.

By 11th grade on the first day of physics class before class I wrote on the board E cannot equal mc2 because a scalar times a vector cannot equal a force. He sent me to the dean dismissing me from the class. Off to the theater, a dark room where the lighting is good for depressing event. I wanted to talk about Gravity, but now I am playing a drunk who gets the only laughter.

I enjoyed my AS degree in Computer science. After that people just thought I was nuts.

From there my seizures took over. Having a form of Epilepsy called Myoclonic (The deep thinkers). While I am in recovery, I would recall pictures, equations, logic, history. Dark rooms help in lowering the UV.

As for the model that is when I cleared the Model of Gravity. I thought it was wrong, but now I was certain. Did you know Newton of the King's Scientist? He hunted down others and had them Drawn and Quartered. That was the way I felt.

Then I thought about the needed tools to make a Universe? What known information is needed? If you reduce information from 3d to mass then how do you get the vital info back? Where is the math done? This is Dark Energy.

When I realized all information is expressed, the model had no other shape. Its a plug and play system. If Maxwells equations are too simple try using Weber's equations.

The reason this is not quantum mechanics, is because the cat has a 50% of existence. Not good for the universe. It must exist and be consistent.

To be a gluon with no information is Dark Matter. Dark Matter interacts with magnetism. Magnetism causes compression into densities of Dark Matter. A magnetic wave at the edge of a Baryon bubble will cause hydrogen to form.

So 5% baryonic matter
~35% interstellar dust (H or He)
~60% dark matter
This is why those CBOE pics look like networks of galactic super clusters connected to each other by insulation. The magnetism pushes against the dark matter allowing z bosons or particles to pass through.

I hope this is some help. I am going to put the relevant parts on the blog.

Warm Regards,