Sunday, April 29, 2012

Information Transformation through the W+/- Boson

The W+/- Boson's object shape is a torus where information travels. The points approaching zero from both the positive and negative aspects of the torus result in information transformation. One area of information transformation occurs at the electron. The other occurs at the midpoint of the other gluon. The W+/- Boson can transfer information in both directions, but only one direction at a time. When W+/- Bosons interact, it takes an extreme magnetic field to change the direction of the flow of information. A change in the direction of rotation of the emitting baryon will also cause a reversal of charge.

The lateral wave of the W+/- Boson is the strength of which its information can extend along the torus. This exertion of the lateral wave is only affected by the properties of the emitting baryon plus the change of other magnetic fields minus the resistance of dark matter plus collected information by the electron. The lateral wave of the W+/- Boson is the distance at which this information can travel most efficiently. The strength of the lateral wave is the corresponding inverse resistance data transfered by the baryon through the Z Boson to the electron.

The longitudinal wave is where the data flows through the W+/- Boson. Data travelling from the midpoint of the other gluon to the electron creates a wave along the lateral wave. The longitudinal wave never exceeds the max point of the lateral wave. The effect of which is the accordian like shape of the magnetic field. The data flows down the longitudinal aspect of the W+/- Boson. This data is the current and the capacitance information of the emitting baryon. A rupture of the W+/- Boson will occur if the longitudinal wave data exceeds the lateral wave data.

The rotation of this data presents the shape of the W+/- Boson object. The information travelling down the W+/- Boson is always perpendicular in location and inverse in data with the corresponding Z Boson vortex. The torus is the inverse of the vortex in motion.

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