Thursday, April 15, 2010

Solar radiation and volcano?

This morning a volcano erupted in Iceland. I also noticed there was a significant solar radiation event. This morning my detector was bright blue almost white for many minutes. Then it turned to black over the next 30 minutes. I am not sure what time the volcano erupted and its duration. I would like to post the magnetosphere information here to see if there is any correlation between solar events and this volcano.


In my opinion Europe North Africa and the Middle East should ground airspace until this plume is better analyzed. This kind of dust will destroy jet engines, not may, but will. You don't want many planes falling from the sky.


chiccoreal said...

Hey Aaron: Wonders what kind of device you have to detect the magnetic charge from the sun. You believe that the intense protons from the solar X-flare of last week is causing earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc. Wonders how this magnetic protonic activity effects the core of the earth. I had thought that the earth's core is magnetic reversed of the sun's core thus we do not rapidly draw into the sun. Also the magnetic effects as we "go around the orbit of the sun" or near the quick turn around the sun as we near the sun. Why do we do this (the earth). I think this may happen because there is some magnetic field happening between the sun and earth at this point. Nonetheless I believe your research is highly valuable to the understanding of the connection between the earth and the sun's magnetic connectivity. At the core of each planet is left over pieces of expelled sun. Why? We were expelled in a sloughing off process whereby the sun can only contain so much positive or negative force before it dispells that magnetic opposite force to balance it's core. Meanwhile the cores of the items it expels become a feeding mechanism for the sun's maintenance of the core. Or the sun's core is being fed by the string that goes back to the main energy field before the big bang. The core of the sun may be what existed before the big bang therefore all stars are connected via energy strings? When we look at the sun we are looking at the very beginning of the universe prior to the split in a way. How many big bangs have there been? A way to reenergize the proton/neutrons/electrons. Something to think about. I like astrophysics, it will one day solve a lot of dilemas. Heavy though they seem to be at this time.jj

Unknown said...

Hi Chiccoreal, Thanks for reading and commenting on my model. The device I use to detect solar radiation is a CRT TV. By having the TV powered up but the cable signal off and the cable line insulation removed (by my parrot, I must credit him in this accident.) allows me to see the radiation hit the earth. What I am seeing on the CRT is the Zeeman Effect.

Physics does not have any real solid or working model of how this works. This Standard Vibration Model does explain more phenomena than current models.

What I am trying to show is that ~2.5 days ago a solar event erupted from the sun. Around 22:00 ut on 04:14:2010 it hit the magnetosphere of the Earth. I can see it in the magnetosphere pictures, but I have not found the data from the sun.

In this theory, what we are seeing are Z Bosons emitting from the Sun and traveling from electron to electron until it discharges into the Earth's Magnetic field. Since there are few baryons between the sun and the earth, there is little opportunity to convert the electric energy into heat, although we do see it happening. We see the photons emitted from this process at the sun. This show that Photons travel much faster than Z Bosons.

I will think more about your comment and try to respond to all your points. Thanks again for asking questions. Each question helps me elaborate on the entire model.


chiccoreal said...

That sounds like a fascinating sci instrument you have made Aaron! So Z-Bozons are like Z-particles? I loved the videos and the ideas that it is the core of the sun that is active. Is this true? I notice the sunspots seem to correlate to the magnetosphere releasing the protons which look like go out in a comet like shape into the solar system. Wonders if the comet shaped protons are always following a similar path? A similar time of year, or years? These patterns are so vital to establish an understanding of the mechanisms of the solar plrotonic release (X-class flares in particular) that you are doing a wonderful service to humankind in developing a full understanding of these processes. Great job! ps I love your website. I have more blabbering on this subject on mine. I really like your choice of music as well. The blogger friends I have in England are VERY worried about the Icelandic volcano, as we all should be. We should be able to do something instead of sitting idly by and doing nothing. You are definitely doing something very commendable. Bravo!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the nice comment.

I live in Florida, and I am really concerned about this volcano in Iceland. It is now Saturday and that eruption is still going. I expect it to affect the United States by Monday/Tuesday. The dust should be around the world by next weekend.

Ionic air cleaners are necessary in closed spaces like homes. Well any air cleaner is necessary at this time. Please stay in doors and if you go out wear a breathing mask.

I am very concerned for people in the UK and Europe.
