Definitions in this model: (described in published papers)
Dark Matter: non-rotating gluons compressing together.
Baryonic Matter: Three rotating gluons spin to form a baryon.
Model Requirements:
The requirements for baryogenesis is that baryons are easily created by interactions within dark matter, and/or between baryons and dark matter.
General Baryogenesis:
As baryonic matter plows through the dark matter medium, the magnetic field of the baryon causes motion/rotation in the non-rotating gluons. The dark matter gluons start rotating and coalescing into Baryons.
The greater the baryonic density, the more interactions that create baryons from dark matter. This rate is variable. The W+/- Boson (magnetism) -- Dark Matter interaction is the most common but Z Bosons and Gluons can interact with DM. DM does not create an electron so it cannot interact with the photon.
We see the result of this process in pictures like this from the Fermi space telescope. I originally found this at Q SPACE
Credit: NASA
This is the baryon's commutative/composite shape as described in this model. This is the shape of helium. This shape shows properties of helium.
- A noble gas.
- Its electrons are away from the nucleus along a plane.
- This plane is perpendicular to the magnetic field.
- This is a stable spiral galaxy. It is not effected by (severely) another galaxy's magnetic field.
- They do not interact well with other atoms/galaxies.
- Closed loop
- High intensity core rotating.
Where as elliptical galaxies are more like hydrogen.
- Can be highly charged
This is interesting. I like the picture. I was wondering if you had considered the picture looking like di-hydrogen or H2, instead of helium.
Check out this picture:
other food for thought:
Is dark matter hydrogen?
Hi Clayton,
I though about hydrogen being dark matter. The problem I have with that is dark matter needs to NOT absorb photons. The areas in deep space where there is no magnetic field, photons travel without absorption.
In this model when dark matter is pressurized by baryonic matter, baryogenesis occurs. I am trying to describe this in the posting 'Why is it that comets have two tails?'
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