Thursday, June 26, 2008

A logic problem about gravity

If a star system has the cumulitive mass x. x = the star's mass + all planets mass + all the junk that spins around the star.

If we look at that star's gravitational field 1 day before the star explodes. We would see a high g number. If we look at the star 1 day after the star explodes we will see that the area that was the star now has a smaller gravitational field or g. The mass has been spread over the entire area, but its the same amount of mass.

Gravity is a function of density.


Anupam said...

Gravitional field is (g) , big G is graviational constant...

but where is the proof of your claim?

Unknown said...

You are correct, Big G and Little G mean entirely different things. Just one more thing to confuse.

I use a 1 kg helium balloon and a 1 kg lead ball.

These two object will never hit the earth at the same time.

The motion of objects is governed by baryonic density. I explain this over the several papers I have written at the top of the blog.


Anupam said...

....and moreover each small part of the exploded star now has its own gravitational potential...and the sum of it all must be equal to gravitational potential(LOC of energy) of the star before there is no loss of gravitational potential...or field.

but this does not say anything about the nature of gravity...

Unknown said...

Mass is a Zero Dimensional point. This means it lacks volume. It is just weight. A natural particle/vibration must have volume. Thus mass does not exist. I explain this in detail in the papers I have written at the top of this blog.

Since mass is construct of ideas and does not exist, any and all equations that are based on mass, fail.


Anupam said...

hmmm...there are 2 ways to explain why He floats above the air.

first is the density thingy...and the "Law of buoyancy" just googling "why He floats..." will give millions of pages explaining the phenomenon

the second is the Kinetic theory of gases.
He has much more Kinetic Energy than Nitrogen(considering N2 to be present in atmosphere because its the majority, for simplification purposes only) ...

KE(He) > KE(N2) because RMS velocity (He) > RMS velocity (N2)...

because of this ... He tends to go "above" when He tried to come "down", N2 wont allow it to come down because He will collide with N2 molecule and lose its energy and momentum...but N2 will not gain enough energy( because
Mass of N2 >> Mass of He
RMS Velocity of N2 is comparable to velocity of He RMS (thanks to boltzmann's constant k))
and inertia to move out of He's way...this is what is "Law of Buoyancy" at molecular level...causing He to remain above N2, O2 , CO2 etc...hence floating and not falling...that does not mean that its not being accelerated at 9.8m/s2 ...

it is but the Force vector's direction is Upwards in this case because F due to upthrust(because of buoyancy) >> F of Gravity ( because m is very small G is very small and R is considerably large)

Anupam said...

so...basically you're saying...mass is zero dimension...particles have zero dimension cannot exist within particles?

Unknown said...

Through out the blog I explain how baryonic density uses the 4 bosons to explain buoyancy. The 4 boson are Gluon, W+/- Boson, Z Boson, and the Photon. They represent the strong nuclear force, magnetism, electricity, and heat respectively.

Unknown said...

"so...basically you're saying...mass is zero dimension...particles have zero dimension cannot exist within particles?"

This is exactly correct.

Thanks for reading my work, Please feel free to comment on anything.