Sunday, October 5, 2008

Black holes are Planck’s Black Body Radiators

Black holes are Planck’s Black Body Radiators
Planck’s Black Body Spectral Objects are all radiators. This includes the Black Hole.

A black hole is a spectral emitter just like any star, just the temperature is too high to emit photons, except through the asymptote at the poles. Photons ejected from the poles of the black hole are highly excited Gamma Rays.

Black holes rotate at high radial velocities. ~17 minutes. When a black hole reduces it’s radial velocity and it's temperature dips below 1013, it burps a baryonic star. When the black hole ejects the baryonic star, the black hole increases radial velocity and temp. Stars ejected from the black hole will orbit in a manner similar to Mercury’s orbit. Ejected baryonic matter cannot be reabsorbed by the black hole.

Here is the physical evidence of star motion around a black hole.

This link also shows material being ejected by a black hole over a 116 minute period.

A black hole ejects magnetism from every part of the sphere except the poles. This magnetism is so intense that it bends the dark matter to form the space for galaxies. With this notion, we can go from the sub-atomic level all the way to the Black hole with these equations. There are 4 equations; Frequency, Wave Length, Inducted Current, and Voltage. Frequency and Wave Length are listed below.

Video Max Planck's Institute

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