Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Basic Principles of Bosonic Relationships within Dark Energy

1) Any two or more Dark Energy Rulesets that have the exact same bosonic relationships will produce the exact same result. (Consistancy)

2) For every spectra there is a specifically different relationship of the bosons; Gluon, Photon, Z boson, and W +/- boson. Or (the same statement), For every spectra there is a specifically different relationship of pressure, temperature, electricity, and magnetism. (Functional Variation)

This is obvious from the periodic table of the elements.


chiccoreal said...

It is amazing how the spectra works at the bozon level. Aaron, is it true that the four forces, Electrical, Magnetic, Weak and Strong Force are each playing a role at the bozon level yet variable in the type of spetral bozon? There are bozon types that are effected by this so called spectral differential? How does the Spectral system work exactly? This is fascinating stuff!

Unknown said...


Thanks for the questions. I see how little of the model I have actually published, compared to what is floating around in my head.

We know that information is transmitted from one baryon to another. Communication occurs at the baryonic level. The communication of information about emitting baryon.

From the Photon we see.
1) I was this. Identification

Missing information in the spectra tells the receiving baryon what the emitting baryon was.

Direct information carried by the photon; Temperature, Wave-length and frequency of the emitting baryon.

Identity is a requirement for transformation of information. It is necessary to know what emitted the photon at Temp,Wave-length and Frequency to understand how the photon affects the receiving baryon.

2) I was emitted this many rotations ago. This is the counter. The Zeeman Effect.

3) I have encountered this much resistance along the way. This is redshift.

A lot of information for such a little boson called photon.

This model shows signs of optimization. Checksums, redundancy and look-up tables are all signs of optimization and error correction.

I am going to start a new post about this comment.
