Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Speed of light is a variable

Citation http://www.rpi.edu/dept/phys/Dept2/APPhys1/optics/optics/node4.html
Cite DJ Wagner at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

The speed of light has a maximum velocity of 2.99792458 x 10^8 m/s in a vacuum.

The index of refraction of some common materials are given below.

Vacuum1Crown Glass1.52
Ethyl Alcohol1.36Heavy Flint Glass1.65
Fused Quartz1.4585Diamond2.42
Whale Oil1.460Lead2.6

Values of n come from the CRC Handbook
of Chemistry and Physics

v = c/n
v = velocity of light through the medium
c = maximum speed of light in a vacuum
n = optical density or refractive index of media

v(lead) = c/n(lead)= (299792458 m/s) /(2.6) = 115304791.538 m/s through lead.

Dark Energy has a refractive index of ~<1. Though quite small Dark Energy still affects the speed, wavelength, frequency, and temperature of the photon-wave over great distances.

This is very important. I am beginning to think that the only constant is change.


Anonymous said...

The velocity of light is a constant. The perception of it being slower when passing through a non-vacuum is due to the time lost to photons being absorbed and re-emitted by the matter it is passing through. During those times when the photon (or any massless particle) exists as an independent particle, it travels at exactly C. Refer to the field of quantum electrodynamics for details.

Unknown said...

Thanks again for the comment.

I am going to post this as a new posting. You will find it at the top of the site.

I should have it done in a couple of hours. I also may rewrite it several times during the day.
