Monday, February 2, 2009

The ridiculous Higgs Boson

This was a comment from Magnus. I thought it was humorous enough to make a posting of it. Magnus is known as TheBigParadox on Youtube. I would encourage you to make as many animations as you can about these paradoxes. There are many.


Many speculate about what this Higgs particle is, whether the Cern experiments are sensible etc.

I made a short animation, it could continue. Maybe I will make a continuation.

The Higgs Particle Adventure.

Best regards,

I like the animation. It shows what ridiculous argument is necessary to even talk about the Higgs particle. The Higgs particle was developed when they tried to put what they saw together with what they believed.

Nothing works without gravity. That is what they believe. So there must be 4 forces ;Strong, weak, E/M and sometimes Gravity. Newton told us so.

But their work only shows 3 forces; strong, weak and E/M. They needed a system of reconciliation to keep gravity. In comes Higgs. If we had a new particle that does and does not exist when we need it to, then we can make the results that we think we are looking for. Thanks Higgs, we found the imaginary particle that produces the graviton on our chalk board. Newton proved that gravity exists, so there must be a graviton, thus there must be a Higgs Boson. Now that we have a Higgs Boson on the chalk board something magical happens here and look we now have a graviton. Tada. Newton is safe...

I explain in this blog how gravity has the appearance of working but is really density in action. Also it is not possible for CERN to produce a Black Hole in the sense that Newton/Einstein/Hawkins would describe. I have two articles on the topics of Black Holes that show evidence that these objects are Planck's Black Body radiators. The work at CERN is very important and cutting edge. I just disagree with the conclusions not their amazing work.

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